Holy fucking shit!
I've had Adobe Flash since it was CS3 (i have it now at CS 5.5 ) =This is purchased :> !
I know I've ranted a post earlier about it "A flash revovling around BEN from MAJORAS MASK".
That project is CANCELLEDuntil I get better with flash!
However since I just got over my animation bump (Lip-synch), I will make my first flash!
I can't tell you when it's released, because hell I don't even fucking know! But it's on the way!
But here is what I can tell you greedy bastards! (or post stalkers ).
I selected a Voice Actor's Clip from Newgrounds, I will not post who it is, Nor will I revise because someone want's to have theirs done.
When the flash is 50% done, and with the Voice Actor's Permission I will post a WIP of it !
What the fuck will be done at 50% you say? I'LL TELL YOU SO READ UP!
1.) The main character- Colored, fully animated, shaded, and super duper swagg! (20%cooler) <Don't be hatin!
2.) Side character(s)- The first one will be fully animated, shaded, and all that nice-ass stuff mentioned above, but not all of them.
3.) Backgrounds - This is where I get lazy, IF they are developed enough, past the point of "Troll flasher" I will include them, Otherwise you will have a nice Christmas snow background. If you didn't get it- IT IS WHITE !
Top 5 reasons for- Why the fuck should you care?
1.) Voice actor's clip is - Fucking hilarious!
2.) Graphics will be off the walls (considering I am a newbie! ) (better than the derp flashes!)
3.) [Insert a comment about your mom hating you if you don't]
5.) I am a newbie! Don't you wan't to see this epicocity!
For now No Music will be rolling off my train!
Befriend me if you wish to keep track....
Comment if you fucking feel like it, or just go to the next Post.
Or just be a douchebag like the rest of the internet and post hate that helps no one!
Also I will be tributing this flash to Edd Gould!